Have you ever looked at the dedication page of a book? I've always wondered about that. Do you skim over it or read it to see who the book is dedicated to? Sometimes those things are pretty funny...I always appreciate the funny ones. A good sense of humor is a gift.For me personally, I have two dedications in every book. One that is sincere and genuine (yes, I CAN manage that, thank you very much) and one that is ... not. I have a lot of fun trying to figure out dedications. It might be harder for me to pick the sincere one than the funny one, but that just speaks to my personality so take that for what you will.The funny ones are getting funnier. I may start planning out my funny ones along with the plot lines just because.Below are some funny dedications from books. Enjoy and laugh and check out my dedications to see what they are!
So funny... So, so funny.