So you hate newsletters...


You probably do, right? I hear it all the time that people hate newsletters. They clog up our email inboxes, and there's not usually anything good in them. It's all spam.I get it. Except for one thing:I am not spam.Sniffle.Anyway...I started a newsletter today. Hope you're not confused by the fact that you probably didn't get anything today when/if you signed up. Unless you did get something, which would surprise me.Look, I'm new at this, and I really want it to work, so if something weird happens, let me know. I'm that nervous person anxiously hitting the 'send' button and hoping I didn't mess something up. It may look like something a 7th grader put together, but that's as good as it's going to get for the moment. I have no web skills. None at all. And my design skills are just as absent.I just wanted to have something fun to send to you once a month in a way that would reach you.ONCE A MONTH.I solemnly promise not to send you anything more than that.Except for new releases.And maybe a contest.And, let's face it, it's me, and I'll probably forget a lot of the time.So really, I'll only email you as often as your mom does.Provided that's at irregular intervals and not something you set your clock by. But I will try!So sign up, will you? I'd like to have this go out and make a difference. Suggestions are always welcome! Nice ones, anyway. Mean ones go into the burn bin.Plus the one coming out for August has a sneak peek of A Wager Worth Making, so....[I know. That was mean. But you loved it.]




New pages alert!