About those Spinsters...


I am so ashamed. I just realized that not only did I fail to have any sort of release event for this brand new series and book, but I didn't even make a page for that book on my website.FORGIVE ME, MY SPINSTERS!I blame it on the move, on the conference I attended, and on my general stress level that has been to high heaven of late.Let's see if I can make up for this.

  • The series is called The Spinster Chronicles. There will be at least 6 books. I say at least because we all know how I am with supporting characters.
  • The first book is called The Merry Lives of Spinsters.
  • The heroine in the first book is Georgie, widely rumored to be the leader of the Spinsters.
  • The Spinsters, with a capital S, write a column for London Society on various topics, and they have become kind of notorious.
  • The next book, The Spinster and I, comes out in November.

Why spinsters, you ask?Well... because I am one.Simple enough.I got the idea for the series while sitting in a Cheesecake Factory with a bunch of my friends (all of whom were single at the time) and the whole thing just came spilling out. So shout out to the A Team for plotting them with me!And why did I do a bizarre thing and interrupt the London League releases by alternating with a Spinster book?Because I'm impatient and eager and I freaking love the Spinsters, that's why.And I REALLY want you guys to love them too!So! Comment what you loved, when you laughed, what you're excited about, any questions you have, etc, and let's get this conversation going! (We have time... the next book comes out in November, remember?)


A Few Fun Requests


Jumping the Shark