Release Week


It's release week!The Spinster and I comes out TOMORROW!AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!I can't even tell you how incredible this book is to me, and I am so not tooting my own horn on that. This story honest-to-goodness wrote itself, and it will always hold a very special place my heart. I hope you love it as much as I do!Now let's talk about what a Release Week is like for me.STRESSSSSSSSSSS.No, I'm kidding, it's fun. Slightly stressful, let's be real, but mostly fun. I love having release events online to celebrate with people, and I know that I have some very dedicated readers who will always get my books right when they come out. I am so lucky! The rush of releasing a book never changes!Then the real stress kicks in. Do people like it? Will people review it? What will the first bad review say? Did I get something wrong? What if sales aren't what I imagine? What if I'm the only one who really likes it?See, writers are insecure, for the most part, and we are terrified most of the time. Each release leaves us feeling a little more vulnerable. We get used to it, of course, but all of us have that little tiny version of us inside that's hiding in the corner whimpering under a blanket.Then the rush of release fades and we get back to business. Some of us follow our ratings like crazy. Some track reviews. Some are constantly promoting to try and get more readers. There's no right or wrong, or even set way of doing the post-release letdown.But it's exhausting. All of that work and effort, that time and energy, everything, just sets in, and we're tired to the bone. We could use a vacation after every book release, but we have too much to do.So we move onto the next project, fall in love with it, and get the crazy, wonderful, nutty cycle all over again!Release Week is insane. It should come with Diet Coke and cheesecake and ice cream and whatever your favorite comfort food is. It's a party! Except I'm a bit of an introvert, so parties terrify me, but that's all good!It's a party with YOU GUYS, and that's the best!Get ready for The Spinster and I, gang. It's really special.


A Quick Note


A Few Fun Requests