Baseball and Agents


If you follow my social media and my newsletter, you'll have seen some interesting side projects come up lately.One is a baseball series with my friends Sophia Summers and Heather B. Moore, which is already a RIOT. We are seriously dying over it all. The first book in that series comes out in February.The other is a series called the Pinkerton Matchmaker series, and my first contribution to that series is called An Agent for Diana. That project was so challenging and rewarding for me, and I can't wait for you guys to read it! It comes out December 21st, so stay tuned!I really love to do extra projects. This year I took on too many, so I really need to learn how to say no. Or at least 'not yet.' I was swamped for a while there and stressed to the max. The fun of extra projects became more work than fun.I don't write as well when it's work.Thankfully, I found a way to restructure things so that it all became fun again, and the funk is over.Until I get stressed to the max again, and then we'll start all over.Side projects and bonus projects and random projects are fun and surprising, and I just want to do more!But maybe a little more careful with the planning... because I have a lot of work to do... as usual.Hopefully you'll all think that baseball and agents were worth the work!


