Release Day!

It’s release day again!!! WOOHOO!!!!

Sometimes I think it would be fantastic to get flowers or chocolate or a treat or something when I release a book. Something to make the day special or highlight it somehow.

Trouble is that most of the time, release day is a work day. It’s just another Wednesday. I’m not thinking as much about the release as I am about my job at hand, what the day will bring, what I will need to accomplish, and what the rest of the week needs to be.

It’s not a special day. There’s no cheer of the crowd as I walk into work. No coworkers bring me cookies or a card or cake. It doesn’t make department news. It can’t. We have too much else to do, endless lists to tackle and phone calls to return. Stuff upon stuff upon stuff.

There’s no book release party for me.

And when I get home from work, I usually collapse onto the couch or do my laundry or clean my place or start on the next project.

Not sure how I’ll celebrate tonight. If I’ll celebrate.

I’m so delighted to have released a book today. I am. It’s still a dream come true, and an impossible one at that.

But it’s also Wednesday. Laundry needs doing. Deadlines are there. And I’m tired.

Happy Release Day anyway. I’ll put chocolate chips in my cocoa tonight.

That’ll do, right?


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It’s Gonna Be May