Un-Downer Time

Get the reference?

My posts lately I’ve been written by an alter-ego I’ll call Nan. She’s less than cheery, but quite sincere. I have to take care to watch myself around Nan, or I forget how to smile.

And I eat excessive amounts of chocolate.

So today we’re going to talk of happy things. Nan is invited, of course, but she’s going to be quiet and observe today.

It’s really for the best.

I’m slowly building up a review team (shameless plug!) and you can join it, if you want. I’m just happy to have one! It’s something I always wanted, but hadn’t managed to get around to getting until now. And I’m a little bit afraid of reviews, truth be told.

Don’t tell them. Reviews can smell fear

I’m in the production stages of one of my favorite books ever written, coming out in October. It’s one of those projects that makes me see just how far I’ve come in my writing journey, and I am dying to get her out into the world! I’m just so proud of her!

I get to start a fun project with friends (as soon as one or two other things get done) and that’s always something to smile about.

Ummm... Oh! We are down to minimal boxes in my new house! PRAISE THE HEAVENLY SKIES. Now it's just decorating and making a home and settling in and...

Whoops, Nan got a little too close. Back to the corner, sweetie.

I found an adorable used and rare bookshop in my little town over the weekend. Spent too much money. Could have spent more. Loved every second.

Share some goodness with me and the rest, all! We could use it!

And of your version of Nan needs a word, that’s okay too!


Are you there, Fall?


Insert Witty Title